Villancicos, canciónes y sonetos, vol. 1 (Guitare et voix)niveau 3
LUYS MILÁN - “Libro de música de vihuela de mano, intitulado El Maestro” Toda mi vida hos amé Toda mi vida hos amé 2ème versionPerdida teñyo la colorPerdida teñyo la color 2ème versionFalai miña amor Porta ciascun ne la fronte signato il suo destinoGentil mia donnaLUYS DE NARVÁEZ - “Los seys libros del Delphín de música de cifras para tañer vihuela”La bella mal maridada Con qué la lavaré la tez de la mi caraArded, corazón, arded ALONSO MUDARRA - “Tres libros de música en cifra para vihuela”Si por amar, el hombre Por ásperos caminosSi viesse e me levasse Recuerde el alma dormida Claros y frescos ríosSi me llaman, a mí llaman Gentil cavalleroIsabel, perdiste la tu faxaVol. 2 et 3 (DZ 902, DZ 903) aussi disponibles.“There are seven pieces by Milan from El Maestro, three by Narvaez from Los Seys Libros dei Delphin, and eight pieces by Mudarra from Tres Libros de Musica En Cifra.Two of the pieces by Milan are presented in two versions here. Toda Mi Vida Hos Ame is the opener and its first version largely consists of long notes in the guitar part, whilst the other moves around more in smaller notes. The vocal part is identical in both. There are also two versions of Perdida Tenyo La Color, a Villancico en Portuges, and differ in the same manner as the first pair. For Milan's final three pieces, the guitar is instructed to tune its third string to F sharp in line with the vihuela. The pieces themselves are a further Villancico and two Sonetos en Ytaliano. Narvaez's three items, one of which is to be played with an F sharp [open 3rd string] are all Villancicos, whilst Mudarra's are two Canciones, two Sonetos and four Villancicos.The music from Spain from this period in history is very pure in sound, with everything relying on beauty of tone.For anyone interested in this period in Spanish musical history, this is an essential purchase.” Chris Dumigan (Classical Guitar Magazine)
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