Brazilian Choro Play-Along Music (book & cd)Chiquinha Gonzaga
Songtitles:• A Corte na Roça• Atraente • Catita • Cubanita • Gaúcho (Corta-Jaca)• Lua Branca• Não Insistas, Rapariga!• Ó Abre Alas• Plangente• Passos no Choro• Sultana • Te Amo
Each volume of the series features a famous composer of this amazing music style, including his/her main compositions in a digitally-mastered audio CD and a high-quality printed music book with the corresponding C, Bb and Eb scores, as well as interviews, biography, and relevance of the author to the history of Choro.Using the CD, listen to the complete stereo tracks (with soloists) for your reference. Tune your instrument (flute, sax, clarinet or mandolin) using the tuning notes. Now have fun being the soloist, using the accompaniment tracks featuring a leading Choro Ensemble from Brazil.
Testimonials"The Playalong Books are gifts from Brazilian Heaven. They are essential for any player who wants to learn about Choro; they take us right into the heart of the music." Paula Robison, Boston, MA
"The books are ultra-easy to use, and handsome at that. Your company is providing an essential resource for anyone interested in developing their skills and exploring all that choro has to offer." Julie Koidin Dois no Choro, Chicago, IL
"This music really works. You get the choice of playing along with a professional Choro player or with the fun, kicking accompaniment by yourself. The nice thing is these are real musicians who don't necessarily play just what is written, especially on the repeats, so you get the feel of playing something real. The book is nicely printed and is spiral bound so the pages lay flat."John Gibson, Vancouver, Canada
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