Ausgabe mit CD.
Dieses Buch gibt eine umfassende Einführung in die Welt der Jazzgitarre und eignet sich ideal für den Gitarrenanfänger, der mehr über Jazz erfahren möchte.Der Autor Phil Capone erklärt die Jazzharmonik klar und verständlich - von einfachen Akkordwechseln bis zur II-V-I-Verbindung, Turnarounds und anderen klassischen Jazzsequenzen.Sich stetig steigernd werden Sie authentische Jazzintonation und Begleitstile sowie unerlässliche Jazztheorie erlernen.Vollgepackt mit praktischen Tipps zur Improvisation enthüllt Exploring Jazz Guitar die Geheimnisse der Jazzharmonik und ermöglicht Ihnen die Entwicklung echter Jazzsolos.Mit Begleit-CD, die Demo-Solos und Livejazz-Begleittracks enthält.
Inhalt: Introduction - 1. Static Minor Triads - The Minor 7tch Chord & Arpeggio - The Aeolian Mode - The Dorian Mode - Minor Jam - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - Pentatonic Superimposition - The Harmonic Minor - The Jazz Melodic Minor - Identity Crisis - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - 2. Static Dominant 7tch Chords - The Dominant 7th Chord & Arpeggio - The Mixolydian Mode - Dorian Superimposition - Seventh Heaven - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - The Phrygian Dominant Mode - The Altered Scale - Secrets - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - 3. Static Major 7th Chords - The Major 7th Chord & Arpeggio - The Major Scale - The Major Pentatonic - Pentatonic Superimposition - Happy To Be Blue - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - The Lydian Mode - Using Pentatonic Superimposition To Create Lydian Sounds - Winter Sun - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - 4. The II-V-I - The Major II-V-I - Major II-V-I Guide Tones - Major II-V-I Arpeggios - Hitting The Changes - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - The Minor II-V-I - Minor II-V-I Licks - Creating Tension - Three Way Freeway - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - 5. The Jazz Blues Progression - The Basic Blues Progression - The Major Pentatonic - The Mixolydian Mode - The Basic Jazz 12-Bar - Sunnyside Up - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - Modulating To Chord IV - The V17 Chord - The Diminished Chord - Mr. Smith Called - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - 6. Adding Colour - The Minor 9th - The Dominant 9th - Dhe Major 9th - Using the 7th Chords To Create 9th Chords - The Dominant 11th Chord - Wake-Up Call - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - The Dominant 7th Minor 9th Chord - The Dominant 7th Augmented 9th Chord - Into Somewhere - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - 7. Time Signatures & Rhythms - The Jazz Waltz - 3/4 Comping Rhythms - Compound Time - 6/8 Comping Rhythms - Three Into Six - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - The Bossa Nova - The Jazz Samba - Double Stop Comping - The Latin Quarter - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvsation Tips - 8. Turnarounds & Rhythm Changes - The I-VI-II-V Progression - Introducing Non-Diatonic Chords - Changing Chord II To A Secondary Dominant - Replacing Chord I With Chord III - Using III7 To Create A Series Of Dominant 7ths - The Twister - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - The Minor I-VI-II-V Progression - Substituting Secondary Dominants On VI & II - Minor Detail - Checkpoint - Assignments & Improvisation Tips - Conclusion - Suggested Listening - Index - CD Track Listing
Toutes les évaluations :
Very useful... ...and easy to read introduction to jazz guitar scales, harmony, etc. Covers all themes and is well written. One of the best in this field.
...and easy to read introduction to jazz guitar scales, harmony, etc. Covers all themes and is well written. One of the best in this field.